Basic Info

Legal First Name: *
Preferred Name:
Middle Name: *
Write N/A if no legal middle name
Last Name: *
Email: *
Cell phone *by submitting this number you agree to receive job offers from BeMore Staffing. Text charges and data ratesmay apply. You can opt out at any time by replying 'STOP': *
BeMore Contact:
If you have spoken with someone from BeMore, please let us know who it is by selecting a name below.

Address Information

Street: *
Street 2:
City: *
State (abbreviation): *
Zip/Postal Code: *

Background Check

employment purposes. As part of this process, you will be required to provide electronic consent for this background check. Your consent will include authorizing PreciseHire to email a copy of the completed background check to our Human Resources Department. All information will be treated with strict confidentiality, in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

If you receive a Notice of Adverse Action from us, which would include a copy of your completed report, and if any information in your report is inaccurate or incomplete, you should notify us immediately and then initiate a dispute with the Consumer Reporting Agency listed below as soon as possible so an employment decision may be completed.

PreciseHire, Inc.
102 E Broadway St, P.O. Box 1101
Prosper, TX 75078

To initiate a dispute, visit and fill out form at
Please sign below to acknowledge your receipt of this disclosure.

I consent​ to background check (as outlined above)
Applicant Digital Signature:
Todya's Date:

Personal Identification Information

Date of Birth: *
Format should be 01/01/1990 (Jan 01, 1990)
Social Security Number (no dashes): *
Valid Drivers License: *
Drivers License State:
Drivers License Number:

Application Info

How did you hear about us?:
Are you employed now?:
If hired, date you can start:
Current Title: *
Experience in Years:
Where would you prefer to work?: *
Please indicate where you would prefer to work, if other location, select 30
Other Preferred Location Details:
Transportation: *
Has Car:
Transportation (more details):
Minimum Hourly Wage: *
Can you work weekends?: *
Can you work overtime?: *
Can you lift 50lbs?: *
Will you consent to a drug test?: *
Have you been involuntarily discharged from a job?: *
If yes, give dates and circumstances:
I am interested in ______ positions.: *

Maintenance Applicant Information

Have you worked in apartment maintenance before?: *
Plumbing: *
Drywall: *
Electrical: *
Garbage Disposal Troubleshooting: *
Appliance Repair: *
Lock Rekeying: *
What jobs would you consider?: *
Are you HVAC certified?: *
Do you have any licenses/certifications?: *
If yes, please describe:

Education & Training

Level of Education Completed: *
Name of last school attended:
Location of last school attended:
Did you graduate?:

Employment History (Most Recent Employer)

Name of Company:
Start Date:
End Date:
Supervisor Name:
Phone Number:
Hourly Pay Rate:
Why did you leave?:

Temp Staffing History

Have you worked for a temporary staffing company?: *
If Yes, Staffing Company Name:
Start Date (Temp):
End Date (Temp):
Position (Temp):
Hourly Pay Rate (Temp):

In Case of Emergency (ICE)

Name (ICE1): *
Relationship (ICE1): *
Phone (ICE1): *
Name (ICE2):
Relationship (ICE2):
Phone (ICE2):

Application Agreements/Consent

1. I consent to electronic communication with BeMore Staffing (BMS) which may include text, email, and calls to my cell phone.
2. BMS EEOC policy is that all employees are protected from discrimination under the laws we enforce. EEOC employees and applicants for employment are covered by federal laws and Presidential Executive Orders designed to safeguard federal employees and job applicants from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, gender identity, and sexual orientation), parental status, national origin, age, disability, genetic information (including family medical history), political affiliation, military service, or other non-merit based factors.
3. I have reviewed the BMS Employee Handbook and I understand that BMS prohibits harassment or intimidation by a supervisor, fellow employee, client, vendor, or any other person in connection with my employment. In additional, I understand the compliant procedure under this policy.
4. A BMS representative has reviewed with me the Drug and Alcohol Policy. I understand that even though I may not be requested to submit to a drug test at the start of my employment with BMS, if I incur an on-the-job injury or am suspected of using drugs or alcohol, or customer of BMS requests that I be tested. I will submit to such a drug test. I also understand that some jobs may require a drug test and that assignment is pending a successful outcome.
5. A BMS representative has reviewed the Workers’ Compensation and I understand that if I am injured at work I must report the incident that day to both my immediate supervisor as well as BMS. I must contact Chesapeake Employer’s Workers Compensation to find a doctor in the network. If I chose to go to a doctor outside of the network, I may be liable for medical bills. If it is an emergency, I understand that I can go to the nearest medical facility. You may contact your claims adjuster or nurse case manager regarding treatment. I understand that a false claim can result in fines and/or imprisonment. You may call the Chesapeake Employers’ Contact Center at 1-800-264- 4943, Monday through Friday, from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
6. I understand that I am an at will employee of BMS and that only BMS or I can terminate my employment. When an assignment comes to an end I must email or text BMS for my next job assignment between 8:00 A.M. and 9:00 A.M. the next business day following the last day of the assignment. I understand that failure to call in or my refusal of my next assignment will be deemed to be a voluntary quit and may make me ineligible for unemployment compensation benefits. I understand that a no call/no show qualifies as quitting.
7. A BMS representative has reviewed with me the policies outlined in the BMS Policy and Procedures Manual. I understand that I am expected to comply with all policies and procedures.
8. I have reviewed with me the polices outlined in the BMS Guide to Safety and Workers’ Compensation Handbook. I understand that I am expected to comply with these policies and procedures and that if I fail to do so I may jeopardize any Workers’ Compensation Benefits that I might be eligible to receive. Injury Report
9. A BMS representative has reviewed with me the qualifications and physical requirements for the position in which I am applying. I meet the qualifications and physical requirements in order to perform the job.
10. I understand that I am responsible for clocking in or texting when I arrive on site, recording my time, having it signed weekly (daily if a short-term assignment) and sending it in no later than noon on Monday or my pay may be delayed or reduced to minimum wage.
11. I give BMS permission to use my image in promotional marketing that may include but not limited to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and SnapChat.
12. I understand that if I intentionally or unintentionally remove any property from the client, my pay may be withheld or garnished until they are returned.
13. I agree, if employed by you, that if my employment may be terminated by you at any time without liability to me except for wages as have been earned by me as of the date of such termination. I understand that if accepted for employment, I will be working for you on your payroll, at your clients' premises.
14. I also agree to call the BMS office between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. the next regular work day following the completion of my assignment to make myself available for work. If I fail to do so, BMS may assume that I'm not available for work, that I voluntarily quit, and that unemployment benefits may be denied
I agree to the Application Terms outlined above
Digital Signature: *
Application Date: *

Attachment Information
